fredag 11 januari 2019

How to build a girl

"And you will be quite on your own when you do all this. There is no academy where you can learn to be yourself; there is no line manager, slowly urging you towards the correct answer. You are midwife to yourself, and will give birth to yourself, over and over, in dark rooms, alone.
   And some versions of you will end in dismal failure /.../ Others will achieve temporary success /.../  But one day you´ll find a version of you that will get you kissed, or befriended, or inspired, and you will make your notes accordingly: staying up all night to hone, and improvise upon a tiny snatch of melody that worked. Until -slowly, slowly- you make a viable version of you, one you can hum, every day. You´ll find the tiny, right piece of grit you can pearl around, until nature kicks in, and your shell will just quietly fill with magic, even while you´re busy doing other things. What your nurture began, nature will take over and start completing, until you stop having to think about who you´ll be entirely- as you´re too busy doing, now. And ten years will pass, without you even noticing."

"How to build a girl"
Caitlin Moran


"Our brain is a mystery that has not yet revealed the extent of the unimaginable lands it is capable of producing. And when it does, I think that will be the most romantic story of all."

-Unthinkable, Helen Thomson

Om märkliga känslor, märkliga hjärnor. Om människor som tror sig vara döda, människor som tappar bort sig på en sekund och inte känner igen sin egen gata och människor som kan känna andras smärta och rädsla. Om människor som aldrig glömmer. Något. Och människor som känner sig overkliga. Om den mänskliga hjärnans outgrundlighet och hur lite vi egentligen vet om den.

fredag 4 januari 2019

On interbeing

"Distanced from the dying forests, the destitute workers, the hungry children, we do not know the source of our pain, but make no mistake- just because we don´t know the source doesn´t mean we don´t feel the pain. /---/
         How much of our dysfunctional, consumptive behavior is simply a futile attempt to run away from a pain that is in fact everywhere? Running from one purchase from another, one addictive fix to the next, a new car, a new cause, a new spiritual idea, a new self-help book, a bigger number in the bank account, the next news story, we gain each time a brief respite from feeling pain. The wound at it´s source never vanishes though. In the absent of distraction- those moment of what we call "boredom"- we can feel it´s discomfort."

"The more beautiful world our hearts know is possible" 
Charles Eisenstein
On interbeing