söndag 20 maj 2018

The name of the wind

He did not despair. 
For he knew the name of the wind, 
and so the wind obeyed him.

"The Waystone was his, just as the third silence was his. This was appropriate, as it was the greatest silence of the three, wrapping the others inside itself. It was deep and wide as autumn´s ending. It was heavy as a great river-smooth stone. It was the patient, cut-flower sound of a man who is waiting to die."

Patrick Rothfuss, -The name of the wind-

måndag 14 maj 2018

Tales of the peculiar

Så kom den då. Boken. Med sagorna ur historien.
Besynnerliga människor. Besynerliga djur. Besynerliga spöken. Historier som vilka som helst fast inte alls. Om flickan som kunde se mardrömmar. Byn som sålde sig åt kannibaler. Om de besynnerliga duvorna i katedralen. Läser. Och väntar på att de besynnerliga barnen ska komma igen i höst.